
March has finally arrived and Spring is so close. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. I love seeing the beauty that nature has in store. If you know me well you may already know I have been planning and preparing for gardening season pretty much since it ended. I have been thinking up new designs and what I want to plant this year. Now it’s time to get those ideas put into action.

March is usually a great time to start seeds in my gardening zone however I have had seeds going indoors since the end of January. This week I have started moving some of those little plants out to the greenhouses. With our predicted last frost towards the end of April here in Zone 6b I will still have to keep a close eye on the plants out there. Some of them will be heading back inside to my kitchen area.

Starting Seeds

So far I have 17 Cayenne pepper plants, 16 Jalapeno pepper plants, 22 California Sweet Bell pepper plants and around 20 loofa. These plants have all already been transplanted to bigger pots and are being rotated in the greenhouse when the weather permits. I also have 42 Bonny Best tomato plants and 16 Beefsteak plants going, they actually just sprouted at the beginning of this week. I still have a few things like zucchini and chicago pickling cucumber to get started but they grow fast and I am not in a hurry. I do have Sugar Snap Peas going in containers with old tomato cages around them, spinach and Rocky Top salad mix outside in the greenhouse.

Pepper plants in the greenhouse.

I have had my garden plans mapped out since January with a few edits here and there. The top few things on my to do list this month are:

1. Get my new cattle panel trellis up

2. Power wash and paint some old fencing that I am up-cycling around the garden

3. Get a new raised bed up

4. Til in wood ashes and compost a couple of times before actually planting our crops

5. Map out and til garden #3 for the first time… My SUNFLOWER GARDEN!

6. Plant Garlic

7. REpurpose an old bench to sit flowers on out by one of the gardens

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”

— Margaret Atwood


What are your plans for March? Let us know in the comments below. Happy Spring (almost)!!
